How I Hear the Voice of God in My Pussy

Have you ever heard the voice of God? When asked this question, you might think to yourself “well, I don’t know”. Because what does a voice so vast sound like?
It sounds like many things - birdsong, rain falling, children laughing and crying. But it’s also a tongueless voice, like when the wind wraps around you just right or a butterfly brushes against your skin.
We all experience the voice of God differently; it comes through in sound, in silence, and as an inner knowing. But what if I told you the clearest voice of God comes from within your own womb?

Now don’t get caught up on the word God here. Holy Mother + Father, Great Spirit, Creator, Source - this one who speaks has many names; you must find the one that feels the most true to you.
Inside your womb, there is a place that this voice speaks from. Your cervix is the talking stick of God - she has a mouth, she has a voice and she is always speaking to you.
As women, our wombs have been intricately designed to guide us throughout our lives. Every month she guides us through her own cycles and rhythms, taking us on a journey of death and rebirth. She is always communicating with you, lovingly tending you and guiding you towards a life of your highest delight.
It is our responsibility as women to devote ourselves to learning to listen to this voice from within, and create a relationship of deep trust with her.

When we are in the beginning stages of our womb journey, we may not be able to hear the voice of our wombs, or even sense or feel her. This disconnection from our wombs has been imprinted upon us by societal and cultural norms, alongside all the ancestral trauma that lives within in our cells. But it is not normal or healing for us - we came here to alchemize this pain into pleasure once more.

So when we tap into the sensation of God, what does it feel like?
Truth, love, aliveness, appreciation - these are the frequencies that your cervix is always singing you towards. And whether you are moving through your daily life or making love in the bedroom, our wombs are guiding us towards what feels good. The pleasurable, yummy sensations that turn us on is your cervix saying “come this way, follow what feels good in your body."

When we feel turned on, our hearts surrender and open and our pussies become wet. This is our wombs energetically and physically saying “yes, more of this!”
Our pussies are so powerful that they actually create waters to support us in flowing in the direction of this experience that feels good. God’s true voice feels yummy and like something you want to savour - if your pussy is purring, it means you are connected and listening to God’s voice within you.

Similarly, your womb will also speak up when something feels out of alignment. Just like those moments in life and in the bedroom, sometimes experiences can feel traumatic - hurting us, causing us pain or discomfort, and we can loop back into old patterns of disconnecting from our wombs, dissociating or completely closing ourselves off.
If you start to feel your cervix speak “no, this does not feel good” then please listen to her. This can be as simple as dropping your awareness down into your womb and taking a few deep breaths there. You can also take this as an opportunity to check in and connect with your cervix. Some questions to ask her may include:

“Thank you for sharing your no with me, I hear you. Is there anything else you would like to share, I’m listening?”

“What is causing you pain or discomfort? How can I support you right now?”

“I hear that this experience doesn’t feel good for you, what do you need in this moment?”

Beginning to cultivate a deeper, more intimate relationship with your womb is a game changer. Just like in any relationship, if one voice isn’t heard, it is difficult to work together and move forwards in a cohesive way. 
When she is out of rhythm, she is speaking to you. When she is contracted and dry, she is speaking to you. When she is inflamed or sore, she is raising her voice. Just like a feline - the voice of your pussy has many frequencies. The rawr, the hiss, the purr - and each sound is communicating a specific need or desire to you.

Woman, start to tune into the voice of God speaking to you from within; the different tones and textures and how they feel in your body. Your pussy is singing and speaking you towards the life of your highest dreaming. Nobody can do this for you - you must learn to hear the voice of your own womb because nobody else’s ears can.
She is singing a song just for you, and it is the voice of God calling you home, back to your truest, most radiant self. Are you willing to listen?

Written by Autumn Rose
Instagram @embodyjaguar