Our sexual energy is our life force; not only does it make us feel alive but everything around us was created by the desire for it to be experienced.
Our sensuality and pleasure are keys to birthing new life on earth, from the babies to the songs, art and stories.
Many people say that the three signs of a truly healthy person are that they are happy, hungry and HORNY!
With that being said, it’s pretty obvious that the energy flowing in our wombs and groins is very powerful. Our sexual energy is vital to for us to live our lives in fullness and richness, and for that to happen we need to grasp the importance of tending to our energetic hygiene during pleasure.
When we are dripping in the deliciousness of lovemaking or self-pleasuring, we enter into an altered state. In this state of bliss, we expand and we become more open.
Believe it or not, there are dark entities and spirits that can enter our fields and feed off of our sexual life force energy. This is known as “energy harvesting” or “loosh”. Just as it nourishes us, it can also nourish them. If you have ever experienced a strange, confusing or out-of-body state during pleasure this is probably why; someone uninvited has joined your party.
Just like in all the ancient stories, what is sacred and powerful must be protected. The same goes for us even now in 2022. When we invoke our sexual energy, it is important for us have a clear energetic boundary set.
Just as we prepare our bodies and spaces for lovemaking, we need to do the same with our energetic fields.
This can be a simple yet profound way to set a clean and clear container for you to unfurl into the thralls of bliss within. You can pray or set an intention with your beloved before lovemaking to be held in the highest frequency love and light of God/Source/Creator as you open your hearts to each other. You can ask your womb what she needs to feel safe enough to experience a kind of orgasm you’ve never tasted before.
Our hearts, wombs, and cervixes are infallible guides; ask for them to share their wisdom with you.
Another great way to keep your sexy space protected and respected is to use the technique of shielding. Essentially, you create an energetic shield around you using visualization.
This can be seeing a waterfall flowing over you and your lover, clearing and cleansing and purifying your field.
Or you can place your bedroom in an egg of white light or a dragon egg, shining powerful and radiant. You can even ask any animal spirit kin to walk the perimeter of your home, so you can relax into bliss.
Ask your heart, womb, and cervix to show you how you can keep and tend your field for them to surrender into pleasure.
Above all, the best way to experience your sexual essence and energy is to stay in your body, fully occupying your experience, feeling every sensation and being present in the moment.
When we disconnect from pleasure, leave our bodies or get lost in fantasy, what we are really doing is leaving space for anything to come in. Embodiment is a key component when it comes to energetic hygiene; the more you are in your body the cleaner your field will be, because it’s filled with your essence and not something else.
Here are some of the ways you can tell if there is something unwanted in your field:
1. You start spinning. Pleasure and orgasm should expand you, not make you feel dizzy. Especially if you begin to spin harder and faster the closer you come towards orgasm. Stop lovemaking/self-pleasuring and place your hands on your heart and womb for a few deep cycles of breath. You can breathe into your nose and when you exhale make a sound and visualize your breath washing through your field like a wave. Breathe deeply and visualize cleansing your space until you feel like you are back in your body, then ask your womb for guidance for the next steps.
2. You are contracting your body, squeezing for an orgasm, or holding your breath. Come back into your body, breathe deeply and soften your grip on pleasure. Relax your jaw, your hips and your womb. Touch or massage your heart until you feel her soften into the safety of your presence. You can tuck your chin slightly towards your chest to keep you more connected to your body.
3. You have an orgasm but it feels like it almost didn’t happen, you didn’t feel it and it seems like it went somewhere else. If your life force energy feels like it is going somewhere else, then it probably is. Come back in your body and fully occupy it, and call back all of your life force and power back to you. You can use your breath or your voice to anchor yourself into deeper embodiment and wholeness. Ask your womb for guidance from here.
4. You are having visions of a dark man/woman/spirit pleasuring you. This is an obvious sign to stop what you are doing, pull yourself out of that vision and back into your body and breathe. If this happens, it can feel very scary or unsettling. (This is also a very common experience in dreamtime, and is not a fun way to wake up). Sit up, place your hands on your heart and womb and breathe deeply for a few minutes. You can drop into prayer, visualize clearing your field, reestablish your field or add another layer or two of shielding for protection. Check in with your womb and see what she needs.
It is important to note that we are very intuitive beings, and if something feels off to us, it probably is.
Anytime you feel something isn’t right when lovemaking or pleasure practice, it’s always a great idea to check in with your heart and womb. The more we establish an intimate relationship with our hearts and wombs as our guides, the more nuanced and subtle their nudges will be to get our attention.
Training our ears to listen to the voices and instructions of our hearts and wombs is paramount to where we are headed in sexuality both culturally and collectively. Listen to your body when it is speaking to you, its primal wisdom will never lead you astray.
Weaving these energetic hygiene practices in with your sex life will change your experience of pleasure dramatically. You won’t just become more aware of yourself and your sexual energy, you’ll access higher octaves of lovemaking and self-pleasure because your heart and womb finally feel safe enough to take you there.